Die F%C3%A4lschung

Die Flschung French title Le Faussaire English title Circle of Deceit is an antiwar film directed by Volker Schlndorff and internationally released in 1981. An international coproduction, it was an adaptation of Nicolas Borns novel of the same name, which had appeared in 1979. The film follows a German journalist sent to Beirut to report on the Lebanese Civil War, which had begun in 1975.

He feels that his comments and his own problems to understand the situation dont really count because violence sells anyway. Subsequently he feels that his reports arent real journalism and by pretending to be that they can downright be considered deceit or in German Flschung.After a fling with a local lady named Arianna Hanna Schygulla he happens to kill a man. He realises how relatively easily ones moral standards can be corrupted in a violent environment and how hard or even impossible it is to remain unbiased as a journalist. ........

Source: Wikipedia